Monday, April 25, 2011

Stylish blogger Award

My two friends and fellow bloggers, Ally and Seredy have awarded me a Stylish Blogger Award. It's just a fun way to recognize other blogs out there that you enjoy and that others may like to read as well. Thank you, Ally and Seredy! I'm flattered and honored to accept. Here are the rules:

In order to accept this award, the recipients are asked to do the following:
* Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award
* Share 7 things about yourself
* Award 10-15 blogs you feel deserve this award
* Contact the bloggers and let them know about their award

Here are the 7 things about me, in no particular order:

1) I am the third of four children raised by a single mother.

2) I don't often bring this up, but I'm addicted to romance novels and dream of writing my own later in life.

3) I suffer from depression, but luckily I haven't had any down episodes since becoming a mother. My children may drive me crazy, but I have never been happier in life.

4) Though I've always dreamed of living some place warm, like California or Florida, I am now perfectly content with staying in the northeast. I would much rather deal with snow storms than hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes.

5) I love listening to all kinds of music and I often drive my husband nuts when I listen to country. (Also something I don't admit to most people.)

6) I love teaching myself other languages and currently on my ipod are basics in Norwegian and Japanese.

7) And lastly, I'm a fairly competitive person, but I am a very poor loser, though I've gotten better at hiding it.

Finally, I'm passing the Stylish Blogger Award on to some of my favorite blogs. Some of the blogs I follow have already received this award, but they are all worthy! Being new to blogging I don't have 10-15 but here are a few:

Traveling Allowed

Music and Mommy-hood

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