Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bed rest...

This past winter my sister's dog got hit by a car and ran over 2 miles on a mangled rear leg through snowy, wooded trails and neighborhoods. She ended up needing a cast and the vet advised us to keep her from running on the leg.

Well, let me just say my sister's dog, Juno, is like no other dog I've ever met. She's a 2 year-old pit/rott/lab mix and extremely good at escaping from crates, fences, and probably chains. If she doesn't get out she can cause massive amounts of damage trying. Anyway, within 1-2 days after having her leg in a cast Juno was already trying to chase squirrels and run down the steps. My sister eventually gave up on trying to keep her calm and after 12 weeks Juno's leg had mended nicely.

The point of this story is that like Juno, I hate being on bed rest. When I woke up Friday morning I was having fairly strong cramping and I waited until about 10:30am before I called the doctor to see if I needed to go in. The nurse called me right back and I went in an hour later. After being checked over and having my contractions monitored at the dr. office, I was sent over to the hospital for further testing. I received 1and 1/2 bags of IV fluids, while having my contractions monitored along with both babies' heartbeats. Though it was not fun spending over 4 hours in the hospital, my nurse was very nice and understanding. I was given terbutaline to calm my uterus and betamethasone, which is a steroid used to help develop the lungs of premature babies. After all of this the doctors though it would be best if I went on temporary bed rest until they could run further test to make sure the twins stayed put for as long as possible.

Of course, I cried after hearing this news. I have 9 weeks left and a lot to get done, not to mention I still need to make sure that Remy is taken care of, which means taking him to and from school, cooking when Bryan is not here, and a lot of other things that requires me to be up and about. Anyway, after three days of taking it very easy and staying in bed most of the time, the contractions have dwindled to about 3-5 a day. I also went out and bought a belly support band in hope that it will help decrease the amount of pressure on my pelvis. Hopefully I can get an early appointment on Monday and be cleared with good news and can return to work on Tuesday. Not that it wasn't good for me to take it easy, it's just another reason why I don't like to make a big fuss about things. Though I'm not a 2 year-old dog, I can completely relate to what it must have been like for Juno not being allowed/able to get around like normal.

My stats from my 30 week appointment: 164 lbs- babies estimated at 3.5 and 3.3 lbs, uterus measuring at 40cm (which is a full-term measurement for a singleton), the inner part of my cervix was thankfully still closed, but the outer part has dilated 1cm

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a great job taking care of those little ones! Hang in there mama!
