Monday, April 4, 2011

Gee, where does the time go?

I haven't been able to blog as much as I would have liked these past few days because my computer is either acting up, Remy's on it, or I'm just simply too tired. I'm now 27 weeks pregnant and faithfully counting down the days until the babies arrive. Of course, this isn't too difficult because Remy asks almost everyday, "how many more days is it gonna take for the babies to get here?" When I tell him he usually sighs and says something like, "that's gonna take forever." That's exactly how I feel sometimes. I haven't been able to decide which would be better; to have a short gestational time period (like a cat) and have a litter, or to have a longer pregnancy and carry only one (in most cases anyway)?

So, April is finally here and it's beginning to sink in that I won't be able to keep going at the same rate that I've been doing for much longer. I've dropped a day off my work schedule, so now I'm back to 20 hrs a week with Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday as my days off. I've asked my in-laws if they will be able to take Jackie back with them after their visit later this month, just until the babies are born in June or July. I know that I will miss her, but it will be nice not having to pick her up all the time. There is a nice woman I met at Remy's school who brings him home for me almost everyday. I'm trying to plan ahead as much as possible, because I need to feel like I have control over something. However, I've made little progress on cleaning out the babies room, but I keep telling myself I have plenty of time. Plus I can't decide if I want to paint over the red or just throw up a cute boarder and repaint the trim. I'll probably wait until my mother-in-law gets here to help me with all of that. Either way I have the ideas in my head and I think I have until at least the end of May to put everything together.... Right? Right.


  1. 27 weeks along?! Wow! You are definitely in the home stretch. Do the doctors think you will make it all the way to your due date?

  2. My doctors are great but they don't like to give definite answers. So far, they keep telling me that everything is good and the babies are good. They also give me time lines, if I make it to 34wks I can deliver at my normal hospital, but if I go earlier I have to deliver at a larger hospital whose NICU is better equipped for preemies. My goal is to get to 38 weeks, I would also like for the babies to be as close to 7lbs as possible.
