Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Jackie has hit the "why?" stage and it's so very annoying yet oh so cute. So far it's not as bad as when Remy went through because her whys are easy to explain.
-Jackie take your finger out of your nose.
- Because it's nasty.

-Jackie it's time for bed.
-Because everybody has to go to bed at some point.

-Jackie get down.
-Because you can fall and hurt yourself.

Remy's why stage didn't hit until he was three, now granted he really didn't start talking until he was about two and a half so maybe he was making up for lost time. But he used to ask me about stuff I knew nothing about and was never satisfied with the answer I gave.
-Why is it snowing?
-Because the clouds are too full.
-I don't know. They just are.
-But why?
-Don't know. (And in my head I'm thinking do I look like a damn meteorologist?)
-Why is that dog barking?
-Maybe it likes to bark.
-Maybe it thinks it's fun.
-I don't know Remy, I don't speak dog.

He used to drive me absolutely crazy with his why questions that I would want to say can you just stop talking, but I never did because I didn't want to be mean. But I thought it a lot. With Jackie I just find myself laughing because she's so cute about it and she never just keeps going on and on like Remy used to.

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