Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Let me count the ways...

Disciplining children is the worst. I'm a firm believer that all children need boundaries and for each family it's different. And since children are all different sometimes techniques need to be tweaked. I've done everything from time-outs, spankings, threats and taking away toys and/or privileges depending on what the bad behavior was. To be perfectly honest what works best for my kids right now are threats (which I will follow through on if I have to) and taking away toys/privileges. I will use time-outs, which is a corner for Jackie and for Remy it's usually sending him to his room. Spankings are my last resort and it's mostly two to four swats on the bottom, I don't do this very often and like I said it's the very last thing I try.

Anyway, I think I can count on one hand how many times my mom spanked me growing up. I mostly remember getting "the look," and being sent to my room. I'm not saying my mom didn't do other things, but I don't remember if she did. She had a very gentle way about her when it came to us kids. I'm working on having "the look," but I still have a long way to go because sometimes I still find myself hiding a smile. Which leaves me mostly with threats, I must say that I think I've become a pro at finding out what my kids want/like the most and using that to my advantage.

When it's bed time, it's bed time. Both of my kids like to sleep with the light on and Jackie also likes her door open. If she makes a big fuss and cries about going to bed then I threaten to turn off the light and/or close her door. I give her roughly three times before I actually do one or both. It goes something like this: "Do you want your door open?" "Yes." "Well then no more crying or mommy will close the door." It may take a few tries but for the most part this works wonders. I did the same thing when Remy was little.

There is always something that I can use on my kids. I've packed up legos, toy trains, tvs  and anything else that was a favorite at the time. Taken away trips to museums, parks and movies. And trust me this works, it can be an inconvenience, but it does work.

Here is a list of some of the threats that Bryan and I have used (I'll let you guess who used what):
  • Pick up the toys or no more Barney.
  • If I have to pick up your toys then I'm gonna throw them away.
  • If you don't let me wash you up I'm gonna turn off the water (during a shower)
  • If you want me to read you a story then you better stop crying.
  • Alright no Christmas because you're being bad.
  • Do you want bubbles in your bath? 
  • Do you wanna go to bed?

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