Friday, November 4, 2011

To my daughter

Jacqueline Alba, baby Jackie, Jackie, Jack-jack, baby girl, mama, monkey, sweet cakes, and Remy's newest name- my little bother (from the cartoon Olivia).

When I was pregnant with your big brother I wanted more than anything to have a girl, as we know, that turned out not to be the case. Then 3 years later I got pregnant with you and I prayed that I would get my girl. Your father and I had trouble deciding on a name for you, I liked Thalia and Luisa and he, of course, wanted you to have a comic book name like Remy's (who we all know is named after Remy Lebeau aka Gambit from the X-men). Then I thought it would be fitting to name you after two very important women; my mother Jacqueline and your father's mother Alba. Even this he was not completely sold on, until I told him that your initials would spell JAM (to fit with his BAM and Remy's RAM) your papa is funny like that. Anyway, I got my way and I couldn't be more happy with your name. However, for me the icing on the cake was that you looked just like your Aunt Rhonda. I missed my sister, Rhonda, so much and thought about her constantly while I was pregnant. There are so many things that I admire about her and over the past two years I've seen more of her in you than I ever could have thought possible.

You were the sweetest little baby and it is a joy to watch you grow and learn. You test me in ways that Remy never did and you keep me on my toes as a very smart, curious and strong willed 2-year-old. There are many times that I've felt bad having to divide my attention between so many children with many different needs, but you seem to love to help me, from playing with the babies, feeding the dog, taking clothes out of the dryer and bringing me things when I'm strapped down nursing. I will never forget all your antics and I'm sure you will hate me one day for telling them to the world and though sometimes I think that you will drive me crazy I find myself laughing when it's all said and done. There are days where all I seem to say are: "No!" "Don't!" "Stop!" "Where are your pants?!" "Put that down." "Come here." and "Pow-pow!" it is amazing that you are so forgiving of me as a parent.

Thank you baby Jackie for being the little girl that you are (and thank God for only giving me one girl, I don't think I could handle more than that) and I look forward to watching you develop more into the special person that you are. I wish for you all the best and I will love you for all that you are- my only girl, my middle child, my hope and my dream... my little naked wild child that you are.


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