Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Taking a breather

I've been wanting to write for a few weeks now and I seem to never get the chance. Not that there are never any down times in my day, but never long enough where I can write more than a sentence. Then if there is I'm so tired that I would rather do something brainless like watch t.v. or re-read one of my many romance novels. Right now I have about 20 minutes before Bry leaves for volleyball and I have to start getting the kids ready for bed, so I've decided to sit out a little and let him do dinner while I take a breather and write.

The days are going so by so fast and the months even faster. The little boys are approaching 4 months, Jackie still cries when I drop her off at play group and Remy is beginning to enjoy school (other than getting to ride on the bus). Since the weeks are always so busy, we try to do at least one thing fun on the weekend, but for me it seems to be go, go, go, all day every day.

Who would have thought that being a parent requires so many skills! Sometimes I feel like a referee of some MMA fight, making sure that everyone is playing somewhat fair. Then there are the specialty roles such as baby whisperer and story teller (yes, I do different voices when required). But some of the more obvious roles are, cleaning lady, cook and negotiator and I will be the first to admit that I go on strike in at least one of those departments on a weekly basis. Today the cleaning lady is on strike. Sometimes I just need a breather!

Maybe about 2 months ago I woke up early on a Saturday and went and got coffee, then went to read in the park while enjoying some soothing classical music. Needless to say I sat there so long that I killed the battery in my car and had to call a friend for a jump. Now, Bry feels the need to make jokes all the time, "Jaime, feel free to get coffee and a doughnut this weekend, but you don't have to kill the battery to have more alone time." And it's not that I don't love being with my family, but sometimes I just need a breather!

I've taken to eating standing at the counter and can finish most everything in 2 bites. I'm not joking either, just the other day I told myself I can't keep eating like this because I'm gonna kill myself, and that thought came after swallowing something that wasn't chewed enough and waiting several minutes while the lump slowly descended my esophagus.  I've also given up on exercising because lifting babies and chasing Jackie is more than enough for me. And though I'm enjoying the ages and stages of my children it will be wonderfully nice when they are more independent and I can sit and take a breather.

Until that day comes I've got a million and one other things that I need to get done and with all the holidays coming up I've got costumes to make, suitcases to pack (can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving) and presents to wrap (Remy has been begging for Battleship almost everyday and I can't wait for him to open it this Christmas if I can keep stalling him). It will be a very busy fall and winter, but hopefully I'll be able to catch my breath come 2012.

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