Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our final birth control

Yes, I did get permission before writing this blog and there is nothing in here that my husband doesn't already know.

Let me start by saying I love my husband. Birth control for the most part has mostly been up to the woman to take care of, which in my opinion should not always be the case. I was probably asked 100 times through out this pregnancy, "so what are you going to do for birth control?" And my response was, "well, that depends on how the babies are delivered." Since we knew from the beginning of our marriage that we wanted 3 kids and we ended up with 4, we knew without a doubt that we were done. Bryan and I had always talked about him getting a vasectomy, and though he wasn't 100% about getting one, he also was not against it. For me, I thought it was only fair that when the time came to close up shop, that he would be the one to do it. I mean really, it's only fair, since I had to carry the kids, push the kids out, and breastfeed. I didn't think it was too much to ask.

When it came close to the birth of the twins I got the name of a doctor, who is quite famous in the Rochester area for vasectomies, from a friend who got it done last year. After doing some internet searching about this doctor, and reading nothing but raving reviews, I thought this guy is the one. So, I click on the next link down, hoping that it would pop up a contact number and what do I see? This guys obituary! So, I call my friend to verify that it's the same guy, and he says, "I think so because the guy I say was like 80 years old and I was nervous in the beginning because he came at me with a shaky hand." Needless to say I found a random doctor that could fit Bryan in early enough so that he could heal before his recreational volleyball session started (he thinks he's the stuff, but I like to remind him that it's recreational). So yeah, the time came and even though I was the one to make the first appointment, he followed through and got it done.

The day before the procedure he needed to shave, and for those of you who don't know my husband, he quite hairy. Even though I was willing to shave more of the area for him, he was adamant that I didn't need to shave all of it. When the day of the appointment rolled around he took his sister with him (just in case he couldn't drive... only Bryan would do that), when he got back he said," I should have let you shave more, because the nurse came in and had to shave more and she wasn't gentle about." My exact words, "I'm sorry, but I told you to let me shave more." (Like many men, Bry has to learn things the hard way.) He asked me if I wanted to see it, which I declined, I had no desire to see anything. Anyway, I was more than willing to baby him the first day and even the second day, but after days 3, 4, and 5? Is it wrong of me to say suck it up? Don't get me wrong, I know it must be a bit painful, but so is pushing out a baby and I still had to do stuff.

Now, he is back at work and he can't do any extreme bouncing around for a few weeks, I will be happy when he is back to normal. I don't know how much longer I can take the slow walking, excessive sighing and the damn tightie whities (it would be one thing if he looked like Michael Jordan in them.)

I wrote this blog with a lot of sarcasm because that's how I am. I love my husband deeply and completely. I have a lot of respect for the man, that is man enough, to let me air his business about something so personal and for doing what others may not out of love for me.

1 comment:

  1. You are by far one of my absolute favorite writers! I love pretty much everything you have blogged and this is no exception. Thanks for sharing again!
