Sunday, January 15, 2012

Welcome 2012!!!

So it's been awhile since I last posted something, in part, because I forgot my password and because it's difficult to find the time to write. It feels good to say goodbye to 2011, it was a busy year for our family with the birth of the twins and Remy starting kindergarten. The holidays were wonderful but I'm so glad that they are over.

We spent Thanksgiving in Illinois with my mom, and let me just say that a 10 hour plus drive with four little kids was bonkers. Let me also say that with all the crying, fighting, and yelling I was ready to open the car door and jump out. But it was nice to spend time with my family with all the kids.

December started with plenty of "I wants" which were answered with "add it to your wish list." We brought up the Christmas decorations and Remy took over decorating the Christmas tree (which didn't really look pretty, but hey I can't really complain if I didn't really help). Remy paraded down the hall with the stockings on his feet asking, " what are these big socks for?" Jackie screamed bloody murder because she didn't want to sit with Santa. The rest of the month passed with threats of Santa passing over our house due to naughty kids and listening to Jackie say "lights, mama lights!" over and over and over. And the Bryan quote that sums it all up is, "who wants to get in trouble first?"

Now, it's January and I have so many things to look forward to this year, such as the boys turning one and being Done (yes, with a capital D) breastfeeding. It's not that I don't enjoy it, but it will be nice to not be so tied down. But I think that what I am most looking forward to is creating new memories with my family. Sometimes I sit at work and find myself laughing out loud at something one of my kids (or husband) has done and it brings me such immense joy that I just can't get enough. Even the most annoying situations make me laugh, for example, just the other day I'm trying to read and I've got one baby fussing, Remy sitting next to me making the most obnoxious sound over and over, the t.v. is blaring Pheneas and  Ferb, Jackie is yelling "ipod PLEASE!" over and over. When Bryan walked through that door, I said "I'm sorry but I have got to have some quiet time" and I ran to my room, but the funny thing was I could hear Bryan telling the kids, "Whelp, I see you kids ran your mama away again." I just can't handle all the non-stop noise all day everyday, but once I've gotten a little peace I can always see the humor in it.

So, yeah I'm jumping up and down clapping my hands and enjoying each day of this new year. And as Bryan says, "No matter how bad you may think our kids are there is always worse."

I'll end this with a big Happy Birthday to Remy who turned six today and was so happy to get an ipod touch in exchange for no party. I love my little gadget nerd.

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