Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pick up your toys!

Growing up we didn't have nearly as many toys as my children have now, but we still had enough to drive my mother crazy. A couple of things that I remember most about our toys were if it was cleaning time and we didn't pick them up fast enough they ended up in the trash and the other was (I'm laughing hysterically just thinking about it) how mad mom would get when she would step on one of those little tiny lego pieces. You see, we  used to build forts with the couch cushions and then precede to throw legos at each other in what we called Lego Wars, and at the end of the fight there would always be that one lego left behind. For those of you who have never stepped on a lego, or something equally small and hard, consider yourself lucky, because it hurts like you wouldn't believe.

Now that my children are getting older and are acquiring more toys of all shapes and sizes, legos included, I find myself tripping over things left and right. It's almost like a conspiracy, my kids plotting against me for all the times I take away their toys or put them in time out. I've stepped on legos and had to bite my tongue to keep from saying something highly inappropriate, and then I rightfully turn into evil mommy, making everyone cry as they pick up toys. I realize that it is an up hill battle with a five and two year old, but one I attempt once or more a day. I feel like Sisyphus from Greek mythology who was made to push the rock up the hill in Hades and as soon as he would get to the top it would roll back down again. As soon as I get one room clean they are making a mess of another. And if Bryan had his way he would never make them pick up because he has that mentality of why pick up if they just put it back on the floor?

Then there are the nights that the toys don't get picked up and it happens to be on those nights that I have to venture out of my room in the middle of the night, and the night lights that are throughout the house fail to illuminate all of the obstacles in my path. So, despite my efforts to go quietly about my midnight task, I find myself adding to the banging, clanging and singing of toys left out with muffled curses as I try to keep from falling. With all of this you would think that we would stop buying so many toys, but of curse that's not the case. The best part is when the kids are running around and trip over or step on a toy and hurt themselves and run to me crying. And as I try to keep from laughing I simply say, "I know that must have hurt and that is why we pick up our toys." And another point goes to mommy for the reasons we pick up toys.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


It has been a very long time since I've been able to sit down and write and even now I have very limited time. So, this will be just a brief update of life with 4 kids, even though I have several topics floating around in my head, they will have to wait until I have more time.

Now that the summer is over and all four kids are home we are beginning to settle into a routine as a family of six. The days are very busy even though it does not always feel like I do much. The weeks go by so fast and though I am anxious for the future I'm trying desperately to hold on to my little babies. Remy has started kindergarten, which I am happy is only a half day program in our area (I'm not quite ready for him to be away all day) and he has already lost 2 teeth! Jackie is getting the hang of using the potty (she is already leaps and bounds ahead of where Remy was when it came to that) she is enjoying having her big brother home even though he doesn't always want to play with her. She starts a once a week preschool playgroup in a week and I am curious to see how that will go for her since she is not the best at listening. The twins are a few days shy of three months and are sleeping better in the night which is a plus, but they are horribly fussy in the evening (which I am so grateful to work four evenings out of the week). I have not really stuck with keeping them on the same schedule during the day as far as feedings go, because I have found that it is easier to feed one baby and chase Jackie at the same time. Overall, I feel like a tennis ball during a doubles match, being bounced between 4 needy beings.

I have attempted working out again, which is extremely difficult to find the time to do it let alone the space, since Jackie feels the need to bring out all her baby dolls in strollers and car seats, but the worst is that I am so unbelievably weak! My core muscles have packed up and gone a vacation, leaving me with a lot of extra wrinkly skin. I should probably invest in Depends because coughing, sneezing and laughing have very unpredictable consequences. Bryan reminds me that I need to be patient, but that is something that is very difficult for me... I just want my body back.

Spending quality alone time with Bryan is a joke to say the least. At the end of the night when all the kids are finally sleep and I'm home from work and he doesn't have volleyball all I want to do is read for a little bit before I let sleep take over. For the time being I think this is ok for both of us since we are still very much in survival mode, but it will be nice not be so tired and be able to focus on each other sometimes instead of kids 24/7.

All in all, I am truly amazed and in love with my family. I look forward to the future and whatever it brings our way. I asked Bryan the other day if we were gonna make it. Not that we are having any problems or anything, I just like to hear his reassuring answers. So, I lean against him as he washes the dishes and I say, "Bryan, I want us to be together forever." He looks at me and smiles and as I turn to leave the kitchen he says, "forever is a long time, Jaime."